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14. Internet (WWW, FTP, DNS)

curl [options] [URL]
Transfer a URL. Very powerful command to transfer data from or to a server, using one of the protocols HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, GOPHER, DICT, TELNET, LDAP or FILE. The URL syntax is protocol dependent. Does have large file support ( 2GB) and can continue after breaks. Many options deal with authentication. Useful other options are:
-C - Continue a previous (interrupted) file transfer
name=content Emulate a filled in HTML form with pressed submit button
-h Display usage information
seconds Timeout after given number of seconds
file Write output to file instead of STDOUT.
-O Write output to file using remote name as file name
-R Make the local timestamp identical to the remote one
user:passwd user and password to use for server authentication
speed? Specify the maximum transfer rate in bytes/s.
elinks [-help] [options] [URL]
Free text-based console web browser. Is more flexible than lynx but not installed on DESY SL6 systems. Instead of giving options the user interface or a config file can be used.
The elinks command is useful to convert html to plain text:
elinks -dump -no-references -no-numbering htmlfile > textfile
Browser for the World Wide Web (comes with (Net)News and Mail reader).  
ftp [-pgv] [host]
Internet file transfer program. Allows to transfer files to and from a remote network site. Should be used for anonymous ftp only, as passwords are sent in clear text. Some useful options are -p to use passive ftp, -g to disable file name globbing and -v to show responses from the remote host and to report on data transfer statistics. Use scp or the features of AFS where possible. See also lftp.  
host [-a] name [server]
DNS lookup utility. Converts names to IP addresses and vice versa.
-a Query all data available for name (ANY request)
-t type Select the query type (e.g. CNAME, NS, MX)
-v Verbose output
lftp [-e command[s]] [-u user[,passwd]] [host]
lftp -f file  
lftp -c command[s]  
Sophisticated file transfer program for [s]ftp and http[s]. Can download whole directory trees, can do its job in the background and postpone downloads. Comes with shell-like syntax and command history. Does execute (-e) command[s] on startup, does execute (-c) commands and exit or execute commands from file and exit.  
lynx [-help] [options] [URL]
Fast World Wide Web browser for ASCII terminals (no graphics). A quick way to convert html to plain text is the sample command line
lynx -dump -nolist -force_html htmlfile > textfile
nslookup hostname
Query Internet name servers. Use the simple form to translate hostnames into IP addresses and vice versa. See also the host command.  
ping hostname
Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts. Used to see if a remote host is reachable. In case of continuous display abort after few seconds with CTRL-C. Report observed network problems to the experts.  
w3m [-h] [options] [URL] FP
A text based Web browser and pager. Well suited to display tables and frames. Can be used as a pager like less. Use w3m -h to display all options. Is not installed on DESY SL6 systems. To convert html to text the following command can be used:
w3m -dump -T text/html htmlfile > textfile
wget [-h] [-ckmr] [-l depth] [URL[s]] P
It has a huge number of options (see wget -h) to influence the download. To retrieve a hierarchy of pages the options -r and -l depth are useful. Further important options: -m - mirroring, -k convert links to make pages viewable, -c continue partial downloads.  

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