Quantum Computing
Some selected talks
A list of talks I gave in 2024
- January 17th, Pitch at Kick-PoF meeting, online
- January 22nd, Talk at German IBM Quantum Innovation Center Workshop, Munich
- February 24th, Talk at Quantum Matter Simulations, Benasque, Spain
- April 16th, Talk at KICK-OFF EVENT, Quantum Computing in Academia and Industry, Berlin
- April 18th, Seminar at Robert Koch Institut, TH Wildau
- April 25th, Talk at FMD Innovation Day 2024, Berlin
- April 30th, Talk at Collaboration Meeting with Armenia, online
- May 8th, Talk at QUANTUMatter 2024, San Sebastian, Spain
- May 13th, Talk at Kleine Landpartie, Zeuthen
- May 15th, Talk at iCampus Cottbus Conference, ICCC2024, Cottbus
- May 23rd, Talk at Conference ``Confining Strings'', Les Diablerets, Switzerland
- June 1st, Talk at Science Day, DESY, Hamburg
- June 7th, Workshop on Tensor Methods for Quantum Simulation 2024, ZIB, Berlin
- June 10th, Talk at 1st QUEST review meeting, online
- June 13th, Seminar at Physics Insitute, Jena, Germany
- June 13th, Seminar at University of Bilbao, Bilbao, Spain
- Juli 4th, Seminar at IQOQI, Vienna, Austria
- August 19th, opening plenary talk at Cairns, The XVIth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum Conference, Australia
- August 21st, Poster at Cairns, The XVIth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum Conference, Australia
- September 24th, Talk at the Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur, Potsdam
- October 22nd, COS Lecture at the Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus
- October 30th, Talk for the Scientific Expert Panel, the Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus
- November 18th and 19th, Poster at European Quantum Technologies Conference, Lisbon, Portugal
- November 21st, Talk at University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
- December 11th, Talk at Kipu-Quantum, Berlin
- December 16th, Talk for IT der Hamburger Finanzbehoerdeat, Hamburg
A list of talks I gave in 2023
- January 6th, talk at Bundesdruckerei Berlin
- January 10th, talk at BMBF project "Noise in Quantum Algorithms (NiQ)",
- January 11th, talk at Brandenburger Quantum Technology Meeting, Zeuthen
- January 30th, talk for the "Verein der Freunde und Förderer des DESY", Hamburg
- February 23rd, talk at QUEST kick-off meeting, Nicosia
- March 15th, talk Simons Confinement Collaboration, online
- April 11th, opening review talk at QUANTUM COMPUTING METHODS FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, Munich
- April 27th, presentation for the DESY directorate on CQTA, Hamburg
- May 5th, Colloquium at KIT and Karlsruhe University, Karlsruhe
- May 10th, second talk at Brandenburg Quantum Technology meeting, Zeuthen
- May 24th, talk at stratgey meeting of the Cyprus Institute, Nicosia (online)
- June 12th, talk at Particle Physics retreat, Adlershof, Berlin
- June 12th, poster at Helmholtz KI Conference, DESY Hamburg
- June 19th, 2. KI Tag Brandenburg, Luckenwalde
- June 29th, talk at World of Quantum, Munich
- Juli 6th, talk at the visit of the secretary of state, Dr. Grimm, Wildau
- Juli 11th, talk at Application in Quantum Computing, Garching
- Juli 26th, talk at LUXE Meeting, online
- September 7th, talk at 795. Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminar on Simulations of Quantum Field Theories, Obewrw\"olz, Austria
- September 13th, talk at QEDMA company, online
- September 14th, talk at Bunderpolizei and ZITiS, online
- September 19th, colloquium at ICFO, Barcelona, Spain
- September 25th, openening presentation, QUANTHEP conference, Bari, Italy
- October 5th, 2nd International Symposium on Quantum Computing and Musical Creativity (ISQCMC), Berlin, Germany
- October 12th, Poster in Quantum Computing and Simulation Workshop, Venice, Italy
- October 30th, talk at Noise in Quantum Algorithms midterm meeting, online
- November 3rd, talk at EINN2023, Paphos, Cyprus
- November 8th, COS500 talk at Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus
- November 8th, ViTeach talk Hamburg, Germany, online
A list of talks I gave in 2022
- January 18th, talk at Quantum computing Brandenburg
- January 20th, talk at NFDI4Phys defense
- February 25th, talk in Magnushaus Berlin
- March 25th, talk in DPG Jahrestagung
- April 14th, talk at World Quantum Day
- April 28th, talk at DESY Coffee Bar
- May 15th, IBM Quantum Partner Forum
- May 31st, Colloquium at Universtät des Saarlands, Saarbrücken
My talk marathon
- June14th, talk in DESY Stiftungsrat
- June15th, Colloquium at Institute for Laser Optics, Hamburg
- June16th, talk at ARIC quantum music workshop
- August 3rd, talk at ???
- October 4th, talk at Quantum Industry Days in Switzerland
- October 6th, talk at Berlin Quantum Technology Symposium October 6th in Adlershof
as part of Photonics Days Berlin Brandenburg
- September 16th, talk at Helmholtz workshop Quantumtechnology
- September 21st, talk at DESY science Cafe
- October 10th, talk at AXPO company
- November 10th, talk at „Schwarzheider Chemiekolloquium“ zu Quantentechnologien
- November 18th, talk at HQS Quantum Simulations GmbH, Karlsruhe
- November 21st, Conference Quantum Computing for Many Body problem, Orsay