Quantum Computing
Some selected talks
Physics oriented
Introducing CQTA
A general talk, comprising many topics
A list of talks I gave in 2024
January 17th, Pitch at Kick-PoF meeting, online
January 22nd, Talk at German IBM Quantum Innovation Center Workshop, Munich
February 24th, Talk at Quantum Matter Simulations, Benasque, Spain
April 16th, Talk at KICK-OFF EVENT, Quantum Computing in Academia and Industry, Berlin
April 18th, Seminar at Robert Koch Institut, TH Wildau
April 25th, Talk at FMD Innovation Day 2024, Berlin
April 30th, Talk at Collaboration Meeting with Armenia, online
May 8th, Talk at QUANTUMatter 2024, San Sebastian, Spain
May 13th, Talk at Kleine Landpartie, Zeuthen
May 15th, Talk at iCampus Cottbus Conference, ICCC2024, Cottbus
May 23rd, Talk at Conference ``Confining Strings'', Les Diablerets, Switzerland
June 1st, Talk at Science Day, DESY, Hamburg
June 7th, Workshop on Tensor Methods for Quantum Simulation 2024, ZIB, Berlin
June 10th, Talk at 1st QUEST review meeting, online
June 13th, Seminar at Physics Insitute, Jena, Germany
June 13th, Seminar at University of Bilbao, Bilbao, Spain
Juli 4th, Seminar at IQOQI, Vienna, Austria
August 19th, opening plenary talk at Cairns, The XVIth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum Conference, Australia
August 21st, Poster at Cairns, The XVIth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum Conference, Australia
September 24th, Talk at the Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur, Potsdam
October 22nd, COS Lecture at the Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus
October 30th, Talk for the Scientific Expert Panel, the Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus
November 18th and 19th, Poster at European Quantum Technologies Conference, Lisbon, Portugal
November 21st, Talk at University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
December 11th, Talk at Kipu-Quantum, Berlin
December 16th, Talk for IT der Hamburger Finanzbehoerdeat, Hamburg
A list of talks I gave in 2023
January 6th, talk at Bundesdruckerei Berlin
January 10th, talk at BMBF project "Noise in Quantum Algorithms (NiQ)", Saarbrücken
January 11th, talk at Brandenburger Quantum Technology Meeting, Zeuthen
January 30th, talk for the "Verein der Freunde und Förderer des DESY", Hamburg
February 23rd, talk at QUEST kick-off meeting, Nicosia
March 15th, talk Simons Confinement Collaboration, online
April 11th, opening review talk at QUANTUM COMPUTING METHODS FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, Munich
April 27th, presentation for the DESY directorate on CQTA, Hamburg
May 5th, Colloquium at KIT and Karlsruhe University, Karlsruhe
May 10th, second talk at Brandenburg Quantum Technology meeting, Zeuthen
May 24th, talk at stratgey meeting of the Cyprus Institute, Nicosia (online)
June 12th, talk at Particle Physics retreat, Adlershof, Berlin
June 12th, poster at Helmholtz KI Conference, DESY Hamburg
June 19th, 2. KI Tag Brandenburg, Luckenwalde
June 29th, talk at World of Quantum, Munich
Juli 6th, talk at the visit of the secretary of state, Dr. Grimm, Wildau
Juli 11th, talk at Application in Quantum Computing, Garching
Juli 26th, talk at LUXE Meeting, online
September 7th, talk at 795. Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminar on Simulations of Quantum Field Theories, Obewrw\"olz, Austria
September 13th, talk at QEDMA company, online
September 14th, talk at Bunderpolizei and ZITiS, online
September 19th, colloquium at ICFO, Barcelona, Spain
September 25th, openening presentation, QUANTHEP conference, Bari, Italy
October 5th, 2nd International Symposium on Quantum Computing and Musical Creativity (ISQCMC), Berlin, Germany
October 12th, Poster in Quantum Computing and Simulation Workshop, Venice, Italy
October 30th, talk at Noise in Quantum Algorithms midterm meeting, online
November 3rd, talk at EINN2023, Paphos, Cyprus
November 8th, COS500 talk at Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus
November 8th, ViTeach talk Hamburg, Germany, online
A list of talks I gave in 2022
January 18th, talk at Quantum computing Brandenburg
January 20th, talk at NFDI4Phys defense
February 25th, talk in Magnushaus Berlin
March 25th, talk in DPG Jahrestagung
April 14th, talk at World Quantum Day
April 28th, talk at DESY Coffee Bar
May 15th, IBM Quantum Partner Forum
May 31st, Colloquium at Universtät des Saarlands, Saarbrücken
My talk marathon
June14th, talk in DESY Stiftungsrat
June15th, Colloquium at Institute for Laser Optics, Hamburg
June16th, talk at ARIC quantum music workshop
August 3rd, talk at ???
October 4th, talk at Quantum Industry Days in Switzerland
October 6th, talk at Berlin Quantum Technology Symposium October 6th in Adlershof as part of Photonics Days Berlin Brandenburg
September 16th, talk at Helmholtz workshop Quantumtechnology
September 21st, talk at DESY science Cafe
October 10th, talk at AXPO company
November 10th, talk at „Schwarzheider Chemiekolloquium“ zu Quantentechnologien
November 18th, talk at HQS Quantum Simulations GmbH, Karlsruhe
November 21st, Conference Quantum Computing for Many Body problem, Orsay