5th Zeuthen Workshop on Elementary Particle Theory
Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory
Bastei/Königstein, Germany
Sunday, April 09 - Friday, April 14, 2000
General Information
Organizing Committee:
Johannes Blümlein (contact), Tord Riemann
Conference Secretary:
Martina Mende (contact)
Jose Illana, Mark Jack, Avto Tkabladze
Talks, Transparencies, and Proceedings: click here
The conference took take place at Berghotel Bastei in the mountain region Elbsandsteingebirge South of Dresden. The Bastei is one of the most famous stone formations in the National Park "Saxonian Switzerland" raising to a height of about 200 m above Elbe river, offering extended hiking paths in its surrounding. Accomodation is both at Berghotel Bastei and Landgasthaus Nicolai at Lohmen, from which a shuttle service is provided to the conference site. Both are *** hotels.
A view (nearly) from the lecture hall at Bastei hotel:
Registration, Reservation, Travelling: click here
We expect about 60 participants and plan about 40 talks, all to be held plenary.
List of Participants: click here
List of Talks: click here
Latex Version of the Program: click here
How to contribute to the Proceedings: click here
Some pictures from LL'2000 are shown in the proceedings volume in b/w and in color here.
The former workshops: click here
Some pictures are from LL'1998.
back to: DESY Zeuthen theory group homepage
E-mail: LL2000@ifh.de