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The old (pre LCIO) HITS storage model

Brahms offers the user the possibility to store the GEANT hits in a file and to read them back at a later time into the reconstruction program. This saves significant amounts of CPU time if e.g. different reconstruction algorithms should be tested or compared.

The hits are written into a binary stream with on-the-fly compression. A number of simple interface routines are provided to facilitate the writing and reading from the files.

As of Brahms version 306 no knowledge about the length of individual records is needed any more. The interface routines deduce this from the file and read in the appropriate number of bytes automatically. As a consequence the internal format of the hit files has changed between version 305 and 306. While Brahms 306 is backwards compatible and can read old-style files, only new styles ones can be written.

The structure of the file is as follows:

SOF      =>  Start of file marker                              16 bytes
       (1)    = 'S'
       (2)    = 'O'
       (3)    = 'F'
       (4)    = number of words in the extended header
extended header                                  #(4)*4 bytes- 16 bytes
       (1) - (20)   code (see Brahms) for subdetector configuration of 
                    the particular run
       (21)         number of events skipped when doing the simulation
       (22)         IO version number
       (23)         code number to identify that version numbers 
       (23) - #(4)  not used
MC information: a copy of the kinfile record
       (1) number of HEP-evt records
       (1)* 15 words per record 


SOR     =>  Start of Run marker                                 12 bytes
|  Run header                                                   40 bytes
|       (1)    = run number
|       (2)    = event number
|       (3-10) = not used
for each detector stored and for each event:
        |  Detector header                                      12 bytes
        |     (1)   = detector ID
        |     (2)   = number of detector blocks
        |     (3-10)= not used

for each detector block
                |  detector block header                        40 bytes
                |    (1)   = detector ID (maybe sub-ID, if implemented) 
                |    (2)   = version number
                |    (3)   = # of hits stored
                |    (4)   = # of words / hit stored

for each hit
                        | hit information
                        |           (# of hits) * (# of words) * 4 bytes
                        | MC track information
                        |                          (# of hits) * 4 bytes
                        | volume information (volume number of the hit)
                        |           (# of hits) * (# of words) * 4 bytes

at the end of each event

        | EOB        = End of Block                             12 bytes

at the end of the file
EOF     = End of File Marker

The information stored for each detector is different from detector and detector and mirrors at the moment the information stored in the GEANT hits common blocks. Typically the first three words are the spatial coordinates of the hit (x,y,z) in carthesian coordinates, followed by (if appropriate) the energy deposited and possibly other information. Please refer to the code to find out the exact details.

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Harald Vogt 2004-02-04