
(group members and associated members in boldface, publications since project start)


(Helmholtz POF4-613)
  1. Can the neutrinos from TXS 0506+056 have a coronal origin?
    Damiano F. G. Fiorillo, Federico Testagrossa, Maria Petropoulou, Walter Winter
    arXiv:2502.01738 [astro-ph.HE]

  2. A Comprehensive Hadronic Code Comparison for Active Galactic Nuclei
    Matteo Cerruti, Annika Rudolph, Maria Petropoulou, Markus Böttcher, Stamatios I. Stathopoulos, Foteini Oikonomou, Stavros Dimitrakoudis, Anton Dmytriiev, Shan Gao, Susumu Inoue, Apostolos Mastichiadis, Kohta Murase, Anita Reimer, Joshua Robinson, Xavier Rodrigues, Walter Winter, Andreas Zech
    arXiv:2411.14218 [astro-ph.HE]

  3. Revisiting X-ray Afterglows of Jetted Tidal Disruption Events with the External Reverse Shock
    Chengchao Yuan, Walter Winter, B. Theodore Zhang, Kohta Murase, Bing Zhang
    arXiv:2411.07925 [astro-ph.HE]

  4. A neutrino flare associated with X-ray emission from TDE ATLAS17jrp
    Rong-Lan Li,  Chengchao Yuan, Hao-Ning He, et al.
    arXiv:2411.06440 [astro-ph.HE]

  5. Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays from Neutrino-Emitting Tidal Disruption Events
    Pavlo Plotko, Walter Winter, Cecilia Lunardini, Chengchao Yuan
    arXiv:2410.19047 [astro-ph.HE]

  6. Multi-epoch leptohadronic modeling of neutrino source candidate blazar PKS 0735+178
    A. Omeliukh, ..., W. Winter, et al.
    arXiv:2409.04165 [astro-ph.HE]

  7. Structured Jet Model for Multiwavelength Observations of the Jetted Tidal Disruption Event AT 2022cmc
    Chengchao Yuan, B. Theodore Zhang, Walter Winter, Kohta Murase
    Astrophysical Journal 974 (2024) 162, arXiv:2406.11513 [astro-ph.HE]

  8. Lepto-Hadronic Scenarios for TeV Extensions of Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglow Spectra
    Marc Klinger, Chengchao Yuan, Andrew M. Taylor, Walter Winter
    arXiv:2403.13902 [astro-ph.HE]

  9. Sources of high-energy astrophysical neutrinos
    Walter Winter
    PoS HEPROVIII (2024) 014, arXiv:2402.19314 [astro-ph.HE], proceedings of the High Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows VIII (HEPROVIII) conference

  10. AT2021lwx: Another Neutrino-Coincident Tidal Disruption Event with a Strong Dust Echo?
    Chengchao Yuan, Walter Winter, Cecilia Lunardini
    Astrophysical Journal 969 (2024)136 , arXiv:2401.09320 [astro-ph.HE]

  11. AM3: An Open-Source Tool for Time-Dependent Lepto-Hadronic Modeling of Astrophysical Sources
    Marc Klinger, Annika Rudolph, Xavier Rodrigues, Chengchao Yuan, Gaëtan Fichet de Clairfontaine, Anatoli Fedynitch, Walter Winter, Martin Pohl, Shan Gao
    Astrophys. J. Suppl. 275 (2024) 4, arXiv:2312.13371 [astro-ph.HE]
  12. The Multiwavelength Picture of GRB 221009A's Afterglow
    Marc Klinger, Andrew M. Taylor, Tyler Parsotan, Andrew Beardmore, Sebastian Heinz, Sylvia J. Zhu
    MNRAS 529 (2023) L47, arXiv:2308.13854 [astro-ph.HE]

  13. Leptohadronic Multimessenger Modeling of 324 Gamma-Ray Blazars
    Xavier Rodrigues, Vaidehi S. Paliya, Simone Garrappa, Anastasiia Omeliukh, Anna Franckowiak, Walter Winter
    Astron. Astrophys. 681 (2024) A119, arXiv:2307.13024 [astro-ph.HE]

  14. Searches for dark matter decay with ultra-high-energy neutrinos endure backgrounds
    Damiano F. G. Fiorillo, Victor Valera, Mauricio Bustamante, Walter Winter
    Phys. Rev. D108 (2023) 103012, arXiv:2307.02538 [astro-ph.HE]

  15. Electromagnetic Cascade Emission from Neutrino-Coincident Tidal Disruption Events
    Chengchao Yuan, Walter Winter
    Astrophysical Journal 956 (2023) 30, arXiv:2306.15659 [astro-ph.HE]

  16. Constraints on the proton fraction of cosmic rays at the highest energies and the consequences for cosmogenic neutrinos and photons
    Domenik Ehlert, Arjen van Vliet, Foteini Oikonomou, Walter Winter
    JCAP 02 (2024) 022, arXiv:2304.07321 [astro-ph.HE]

  17. Multi-messenger model for the prompt emission from GRB 221009A
    by Annika Rudolph, Maria Petropoulou, Walter Winter, Zeljka Bosnjak
    Astrophysical Journal Letters 944 (2023) L34, arXiv:2212.00766 [astro-ph.HE]

  18. Multi-collision internal shock lepto-hadronic models for energetic GRBs
    by Annika Rudolph, Maria Petropoulou, Zeljka Bosnjak, Walter Winter
    Astrophysical Journal 950 (2023) 28, arXiv:2212.00765 [astro-ph.HE]

  19. External Inverse-Compton and Proton Synchrotron Emission from the Reverse Shock as the Origin of VHE Gamma-Rays from the Hyper-Bright GRB 221009A
    by B. Theodore Zhang, Kohta Murase, Kunihito Ioka, Deheng Song, Chengchao Yuan, Peter Meszaros
    Astrophysical Journal Letters 947 (2023) L14, arXiv:2211.05754 [astro-ph.HE]

  20. Differences Between the Pierre Auger Observatory and Telescope Array Spectra: Systematic Effects or Indication of a Local Source of Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays?
    by Pavlo Plotko, Arjen van Vliet, Xavier Rodrigues, Walter Winter
    Astrophysical Journal 953 (2023) 129, arXiv:2208.12274 [astro-ph.HE]

  21. Probing the multiwavelength emission scenario of GRB 190114C
    by Marc Klinger, Donggeun Tak, Andrew Taylow, Sylvia J. Zhu
    MNRAS 520 (2023) 839, arXiv:2206.11148 [astro-ph.HE]

  22. Interpretation of the neutrino emission from Tidal Disruption Events
    by Walter Winter, Cecilia Lunardini
    Astrophysical Journal 948 (2023) 42, arXiv:2205.11538 [astro-ph.HE]

  23. Spectral softening in core-collapse supernova remnant expanding inside wind-blown bubble
    by Samata Das, Robert Brose, Dominique M.-A. Meyer, Martin Pohl, Iurii Sushch, Pavlo Plotko
    Astron. Astrophys. 661 (2022) A128, arXiv:2203.03369 [astro-ph.HE]

  24. The candidate tidal disruption event AT2019fdr coincident with a high-energy neutrino
    by Simeon Reusch, Robert Stein, Marek Kowalski, Sjoert van Velzen, Anna Franckowiak, Cecilia Lunardini, Kohta Murase, Walter Winter, et al
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 128 (2022) 221101, arXiv:2111.09390 [astro-ph.HE]

  25. Status and Perspectives of Neutrino Physics
    by M. S. Athar, ..., W. Winter, et al
    Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 124 (2022) 103947, arXiv:2111.07586 [hep-ph]

  26. Leptonic non-thermal emission from supernova remnants evolving in the circumstellar magnetic field
    by Iurii Sushch, Robert Brose, Martin Pohl, Pavlo Plotko, Samata Das
    Astrophysical Journal 926 (2022) 140, arXiv:2111.06946 [astro-ph.HE]

  27. EuCAPT White Paper: Opportunities and Challenges for Theoretical Astroparticle Physics in the Next Decade
    by R. Alves Batista, ..., W. Winter, et al, 
    arXiv:2110.10074 [astro-ph.HE]

NEUCOS project

(EU project no. 646623 and Helmholtz POF3-613/POF4-613)

  1. Theoretical interpretation of the observed neutrino emission from Tidal Disruption Events
    by Walter Winter, Cecilia Lunardini
    PoS(ICRC2021)997, Proceedings of the ICRC 2021 conference, arXiv:2107.14381 [astro-ph.HE], WP 3 R 3

  2. The Blazar Hadronic Code Comparison Project
    by Matteo Cerruti, ..., Annika Rudolph, ..., Walter Winter et al.
    PoS(ICRC2021)979, Proceedings of the ICRC 2021 conference, arXiv:2107.06377 [astro-ph.HE], WP 3 R 4

  3. Multi-wavelength radiation models for low-luminosity GRBs, and the implications for UHECRs
    by Annika Rudolph, Zejlka Bosnjak, Andrea Palladino, Iftach Sadeh, Walter Winter
    MNRAS 511 (2022) 5823, arXiv:2107.04612 [astro-ph.HE], WP 2+3 R 1

  4. Extragalactic magnetic field constraints from ultra-high-energy cosmic rays from local galaxies
    by Arjen van Vliet, Andrea Palladino, Andrew Taylor, Walter Winter
    MNRAS 510 (2022) 1289, arXiv:2104.05732 [astro-ph.HE], WP 3 R 4

  5. Unified thermal model for photohadronic neutrino production in astrophysical sources
    by Damiano F. G. Fiorillo, Arjen van Vliet, Stefano Morisi, Walter Winter
    JCAP 07 (2021) 028, arXiv:2103.16577 [astro-ph.HE], WP 4+5 R 3

  6. Multi-wavelength and neutrino emission from blazar PKS 1502+106
    by Xavier Rodrigues, Simone Garrappa, Shan Gao, Vaidehi S. Paliya, Anna Franckowiak, Walter Winter
    Astrophysical Journal 912 (2021) 54, arXiv:2009.04026 [astro-ph.HE], WP 3 R 1

  7. Systematic parameter space study for the UHECR origin from GRBs in models with multiple internal shocks
    by Jonas Heinze, Daniel Biehl, Anatoli Fedynitch, Denise Boncioli, Annika Rudolph, Walter Winter
    MNRAS 498 (2020) 5990, arXiv:2006.14301 [astro-ph.HE], WP 2 R 1

  8. Modelling the spread of Covid19 in Italy using a revised version of the SIR model
    by Andrea Palladino, Vincenzo Nardelli, Luigi Giuseppe Atzeni, Nane Cantatore, Maddalena Cataldo, Fabrizio Croccolo, Nicolas Estrada, Antonio Tombolinie
    arXiv:2005.08724 [physics.soc-ph], WP 6 R 1

  9. A concordance scenario for the observation of a neutrino from the Tidal Disruption Event AT2019dsg
    by Walter Winter and Cecilia Lunardini
    Nature Astronomy 5 (2021) 472, arXiv:2005.06097 [astro-ph.HE], WP 3 R 1

  10. White Paper: ARIANNA-200 high energy neutrino telescope
    by A. Anker, ..., A. van Vliet, et al.
    arXiv:2004.09841 [astro-ph.IM], WP 3+4 R 3

  11. AGN jets as the origin of UHECRs and perspectives for the detection of EeV astrophysical neutrinos
    by Xavier Rodrigues, Jonas Heinze, Andrea Palladino, Arjen van Vliet, Walter Winter
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 126 (2021) 191101, arXiv:2003.08392 [astro-ph.HE], WP 3+4 R 1

  12. EeV Astrophysical neutrinos from FSRQs?
    by C. Righi, A. Palladino, F. Tavecchio, F. Vissani
    Astronomy&Astrophysics 642 (2020) A92, arXiv:2003.08701 [astro-ph.HE], WP 3+4 R 2

  13. On the sources of high energy neutrinos
    by Andrea Palladino
    PoS(Asterics2019)058, Proceedings of the "The New Era of Multi-Messenger Astrophysics - Asterics2019" symposium, WP 3 R 3

  14. Neutrino Telescopes and High-Energy Cosmic Neutrinos
    by Andrea Palladino, Maurizio Spurio and Francesco Vissani
    Universe 6 (2020) 30, review article, WP 3 R 3

  15. Can astrophysical neutrinos trace the origin of the detected ultra-high energy cosmic rays?
    by Andrea Palladino, Arjen van Vliet, Walter Winter, Anna Franckowiak
    MNRAS 494 (2020) 4255, arXiv:1911.05756 [astro-ph.HE], WP 3 R 1

  16. Gamma-Ray Bursts as Sources of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays across the Ankle
    by D. Biehl, D. Boncioli, A. Fedynitch, J. Heinze, A. Rudolph and W. Winter
    PoS(ICRC2019)196, Proceedings of the ICRC 2019 conference pdf, WP 2+3 R 1

  17. A New View on Auger Data and Cosmogenic Neutrinos in Light of Different Nuclear Disintegration and Air-shower Models
    by Anatoli Fedynitch, Jonas Heinze, Denise Boncioli and Walter Winter
    PoS(ICRC2019)249, Proceedings of the ICRC 2019 conference pdf, WP 1, 3, 4 R 1

  18. Targeting Earth: CRPropa learns to aim
    by Jens Jasche, Arjen van Vliet and Jörg P. Rachen
    PoS(ICRC2019)447, Proceedings of the ICRC 2019 conference pdf, arXiv:1911.05048 [astro-ph.HE],WP 3 R 4

  19. Neutrinos and UHECR nuclei from blazars: from a single-source model to a population study
    by Xavier Rodrigues, Anatoli Fedynitch, Shan Gao, Andrea Palladino, Denise Boncioli and Walter Winter
    PoS(ICRC2019)991, Proceedings of the ICRC 2019 conference pdf, WP 1+3 R 1

  20. Current constraints from cosmogenic neutrinos on the fraction of protons in UHECRs
    by Arjen van Vliet, Rafael Alves Batista and Jörg R. Hörandel
    PoS(ICRC2019)1025, Proceedings of the ICRC 2019 conference pdf, WP 3 R 1

  21. Multi-messenger interpretation of neutrinos from TXS 0506+056
    by Walter Winter, Shan Gao, Xavier Rodrigues, Anatoli Fedynitch, Martin Pohl
    PoS(ICRC2019)1032, Proceedings of the ICRC 2019 conference pdf, arXiv:1909.06289 [astro-ph.HE], WP 3 R 1

  22. Impact of the collision model on the multi-messenger emission from Gamma-Ray Burst internal shocks
    by Annika Rudolph, Jonas Heinze, Anatoli Fedynitch, Walter Winter
    Astrophysical Journal 893 (2020) 72, arXiv:1907.10633 [astro-ph.HE], WP 2 R 1

  23. Improved photomeson model for interactions of cosmic ray nuclei
    by Leonel Morejon, Anatoli Fedynitch, Denise Boncioli, Daniel Biehl, Walter Winter
    JCAP 11 (2019) 007, arXiv:1904.07999 [astro-ph.HE], Software, WP 1 R 1

  24. The flavor composition of astrophysical neutrinos after 8 years of IceCube: an indication of neutron decay scenario?
    by Andrea Palladino
    European Physical Journal C79 (2019) 500, arXiv:1902.08630 [astro-ph.HE], WP 5 R 2

  25. A new view on Auger data and cosmogenic neutrinos in light of different nuclear disintegration and air-shower models
    by Jonas Heinze, Anatoli Fedynitch, Denise Boncioli, Walter Winter
    Astrophysical Journal 873 (2019) 88, arXiv:1901.03338 [astro-ph.HE], WP 1, 3, 4 R 1

  26. Determining the fraction of cosmic-ray protons at ultra-high energies with cosmogenic neutrinos
    by Arjen van Vliet, Rafael Alves Batista, Armando di Matteo, Jörg Hörandel,
    Phys. Rev. D 100 (2019) 021302(R), arXiv:1901.01899 [astro-ph.HE], WP 3, 4 R 1

  27. Secondary neutrino and gamma-ray fluxes from SimProp and CRPropa
    by Rafael Alves Batista, Denise Boncioli, Armando di Matteo, Arjen van Vliet
    JCAP 05 (2019) 006, arXiv:1901.01244 [astro-ph.HE], WP 3 R 3

  28. Leptohadronic blazar models applied to the 2014-2015 flare of TXS 0506+0506
    by Xavier Rodrigues, Shan Gao, Anatoli Fedynitch, Andrea Palladino, Walter Winter
    Astrophysical Journal Letters 874 (2019) L29, arXiv:1812.05939, WP 3 R 1

  29. IceCube Neutrinos from Hadronically Powered Gamma-Ray Galaxies
    by Andrea Palladino, Anatoli Fedynitch, Rasmus W. Rasmussen, Andrew M.Taylor
    JCAP 09 (2019) 004, arXiv:1812.04685 [astro-ph.HE], WP 3 R 2

  30. Astrophysical neutrino production and impact of associated uncertainties in photo-hadronic interactions of UHECRs
    by Daniel Biehl, Denise Boncioli, Anatoli Fedynitch, Leonel Morejon, Walter Winter
    Proceedings of ISVHECRI 2018, arXiv:1809.10259 [astro-ph.HE], WP 1 R 2

  31. On the common origin of cosmic rays across the ankle and diffuse neutrinos at the highest energies from low-luminosity Gamma-Ray Bursts
    by Denise Boncioli, Daniel Biehl, Walter Winter
    Astrophysical Journal 872 (2019) 110, arXiv:1808.07481 [astro-ph.HE], WP 3 R 1

  32. Modelling the coincident observation of a high-energy neutrino and a bright blazar flare
    by Shan Gao, Anatoli Fedynitch, Walter Winter, Martin Pohl
    Nature Astronomy 3 (2019) 88 (Share Link), arXiv:1807.04275 [astro-ph.HE], WP 3 R 1

  33. Introduction to neutrino astronomy
    by Andrea Gallo Rosso, Carlo Mascaretti, Andrea Palladino, Francesco Vissani
    Eur. Phys.J. Plus 133 (2018) 267, arXiv:1806.06339 [astro-ph.HE], WP 2-5 R 4

  34. Interpretation of the diffuse astrophysical neutrino flux in terms of the blazar sequence
    by Andrea Palladino, Xavier Rodrigues, Shan Gao, Walter Winter
    Astrophysical Journal 871 (2019) 41, arXiv:1806.04769 [astro-ph.HE], WP 3 R 1

  35. The hadronic interaction model Sibyll-2.3c and inclusive lepton fluxes
    by Anatoli Fedynitch, Felix Riehn, Ralph Engel, Thomas K. Gaisser, Todor Stanev
    Phys. Rev. D100 (2019) 103018, arXiv:1806.04140 [hep-ph], WP 4 R 4

  36. Binary Neutron Star Merger Remnants as Sources of Cosmic Rays Below the "Ankle"
    by Xavier Rodrigues, Daniel Biehl, Denise Boncioli, Andrew M. Taylor
    Astropart. Phys. 106 (2019) 10, arXiv:1806.01624 [astro-ph.HE], WP 3 R 3

  37. The importance of observing astrophysical tau neutrinos
    by Andrea Palladino, Carlo Mascaretti, Francesco Vissani
    JCAP 08 (2018) 004, arXiv:1804.04965 [astro-ph.HE], WP 4 R 2

  38. A Multi-Component Model for the Observed Astrophysical Neutrinos
    by Andrea Palladino, Walter Winter
    Astronomy&Astrophysics 615 (2018) A168, arXiv:1801.07277 [astro-ph.HE], WP 3 R 1

  39. Expected neutrino fluence from short Gamma-Ray Burst 170817A and off-axis angle constraints
    by Daniel Biehl, Jonas Heinze, Walter Winter
    MNRAS 476 (2018) 1191, arXiv:1712.00449 [astro-ph.HE], WP 3 R 2

  40. Exploring potential cosmic ray accelerators with neutrinos: what do we learn by injecting nuclei in Gamma-Ray Bursts?
    Denise Boncioli, Daniel Biehl, Anatoli Fedynitch, Walter Winter
    PoS ICRC2017 (2017) 1064, WP 1 R 2

  41. Nuclear physics aspects of relevance to the sources of UHECRs
    by Anatoli Fedynitch, Denise Boncioli, Walter Winter
    PoS ICRC2017 (2017) 559, WP 1 R 1

  42. A state-of-the-art calculation of atmospheric lepton fluxes
    Anatoli Fedynitch, Hans Dembinski, Ralph Engel, Thomas K. Gaisser, Felix Riehn, Todor Stanev
    PoS ICRC2017 (2017) 1019, WP 4 R 4
  43. Data-driven model of the cosmic-ray flux and mass composition from 10 GeV to 10^11 GeV
    by Hans Peter Dembinski, Ralph Engel, Anatoli Fedynitch, Thomas Gaisser, Felix Riehn, Todor Stanev
    PoS ICRC2017 (2017) 533, arXiv:1711.11432 [astro-ph-HE], WP 3 R 4

  44. Tidally disrupted stars as a possible origin of both cosmic rays and neutrinos at the highest energies
    by Daniel Biehl, Denise Boncioli, Cecilia Lunardini, Walter Winter
    Scientific Reports 8 (2018) no.1, 10828, arXiv:1711.03555 [astro-ph.HE], WP 3 R 1

  45. Neutrinos and Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Ray Nuclei from Blazars
    by Xavier Rodrigues, Anatoli Fedynitch, Shan Gao, Denise Boncioli, Walter Winter
    Astrophysical Journal 854 (2018) 54, arXiv:1711.02091 [astro-ph.HE], WP 1 R 1

  46. Astrophysical neutrinos flavored with Beyond the Standard Model physics
    by Rasmus W. Rasmussen, Lukas Lechner, Markus Ackermann, Marek Kowalski, Walter Winter
    Phys. Rev. D96 (2017) 083018, arXiv:1707.07684 [hep-ph], WP 5 R 1

  47. Cosmic-Ray and Neutrino Emission from Gamma-Ray Bursts with a Nuclear Cascade
    by Daniel Biehl, Denise Boncioli, Anatoli Fedynitch, Walter Winter
    Astronomy&Astrophysics 611 (2018) A101, arXiv:1705.08909 [astro-ph.HE], WP 1 R 1

  48. SimProp v2r4: Monte Carlo simulation code for UHECR propagation
    by Roberto Aloisio, Denise Boncioli, Armando di Matteo, Aurelio F. Grillo, Francesco Salamida, Sergio Petrera
    JCAP 11 (2017) 009, arXiv:1705.03729 [astro-ph.HE], WP 3 R 4

  49. Interactions of Cosmic Rays around the Universe. Models for UHECR data interpretation
    by Denise Boncioli
    EPJ Web Conf. 141 (2017) 07001, arXiv:1705.04077 [astro-ph.HE], Proc. of XLVI International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD 2016), WP 1, 3 R 2

  50. Combined fit of spectrum and composition data as measured by the Pierre Auger Observatory
    by the Pierre Auger Collaboration, including Denise Boncioli
    JCAP 04 (2017) 038, arXiv:1612.07155 [astro-ph.HE], WP 3 R 3

  51. High Energy Neutrinos from the Tidal Disruption of Stars
    by Cecilia Lunardini, Walter Winter
    Phys. Rev. D95 (2017) 123001, arXiv:1612.03160 [astro-ph.HE], WP 3 R 2

  52. Astrophysical Neutrino Production Diagnostics with the Glashow Resonance
    by Daniel Biehl, Anatoli Fedynitch, Andrea Palladino, Tom J. Weiler, Walter Winter
    JCAP 01 (2017) 033, arXiv:1611.07983 [astro-ph.HE], WP 5 R 1

  53. On the direct correlation between gamma-ray and PeV neutrinos from blazars
    by Shan Gao, Martin Pohl, Walter Winter
    Astrophysical Journal 843 (2017) 109, arXiv:1610.05306 [astro-ph.HE], WP 3 R 2

  54. Nuclear Physics Meets the Sources of the Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays
    by Denise Boncioli, Anatoli Fedynitch, Walter Winter
    Scientific Reports 7 (2017) 4882, arXiv:1607.07989 [astro-ph.HE], WP 1 R 1

  55. Multi-messenger light curves from gamma-ray bursts in the internal shock model
    by Mauricio Bustamante, Jonas Heinze, Kohta Murase, Walter Winter
    Astrophysical Journal, 837 (2017) 33, arXiv:1606.02325 [astro-ph.HE], WP 2 R 1

  56. Cosmogenic Neutrinos Challenge the Cosmic Ray Proton Dip Model
    by Jonas Heinze, Denise Boncioli, Mauricio Bustamante, Walter Winter
    Astrophysical Journal 825 (2016) 122, arXiv:1512.05988 [astro-ph.HE], WP 3 R 2

  57. Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillations for Earth Tomography
    by Walter Winter
    Nucl. Phys. B908 (2016) 250 (in special issue "Neutrino Oscillations: Celebrating the Nobel Prize in Physics 2015"),  arXiv:1511.05154 [hep-ph], WP 4 R 1

  58. Theoretically palatable flavor combinations of astrophysical neutrinos
    by Mauricio Bustamante, John Beacom, Walter Winter
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 115 (2015) 161302, arXiv:1506.02645 [astro-ph.HE], WP 5 R 1

Related publications

(Helmholtz POF3-613)
  1. The hadronic interaction model SIBYLL 2.3c and Feynman scaling
    by Felix Riehn, Hans P. Dembinski, Ralph Engel, Anatoli Fedynitch, Thomas K. Gaisser, Todor Stanev
    PoS ICRC2017 (2017) 301, arXiv:1709.07227

  2. The hadronic interaction model Sibyll – past, present and future
    by Ralph Engel, Felix Riehn, Anatoli Fedynitch, Thomas K. Gaisser, Todor Stanev
    EPJ Web Conf. 145 (2017) 08001
  3. Perspectives for tests of neutrino masses at the GeV scale: Experimental reach versus theoretical predictions
    by Rasmus W. Rasmussen, Walter Winter
    Phys. Rev. D94 (2016) 073004, arXiv:1607.07880 [hep-ph]

  4. Bottom-Up Discrete Symmetries for Cabibbo Mixing
    by Ivo de Medeiros Varzielas, Rasmus W. Rasmussen, Jim Talbert
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 32 (2017) 1750047, arXiv:1605.03581 [hep-ph]

  5. Neutrinos and the Origin of the Cosmic Rays
    by Walter Winter
    PoS ICRC2015 (2016) 1116, Proceedings of the ICRC 2015 conference

Related theses

  1. Emission of Multiple Messengers from Gamma-Ray Bursts
    by Annika Rudolph, PhD thesis, Humboldt university, 2022
    Document server

  2. New Interaction Models of Ultra-high-energy Cosmic Rays from a Nuclear Physics Approach
    by Leonel Morejon, PhD thesis, Humboldt university, 2020
    Document server

  3. Ultra-high-energy cosmic-ray nuclei and neutrinos in models of gamma-ray bursts and extragalactic propagation
    by Jonas Heinze, PhD thesis, Humboldt university, 2019
    Document server

  4. Blazars as Sources of Neutrinos and Ultra-high-energy Cosmic Rays
    by Xavier Rodrigues, PhD thesis, Humboldt university, 2019
    Document server

  5. Nuclear Cascades and Neutrino Production in the Sources of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Ray Nuclei
    by Daniel Biehl, PhD thesis, Humboldt university, 2019
    Document server

  6. Implications of physics beyond the Standard Model in the quark and lepton sectors
    by Rasmus W. Rasmussen, PhD thesis, Humboldt university, 2018
    Document server

  7. Implications of collision dynamics in Gamma-Ray Burst internal shocks on the production of multiple asrtophysical messengers
    by Annika Rudolph, Master thesis, KIT Karlsruhe, 2017

  8. Cosmogenic neutrinos as secondary messengers of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays
    by Jonas Heinze, Master thesis, Humboldt university, 2016

Publications W. Winter (inSPIRE)
Citation summary W. Winter (inSPIRE)
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