Movies for arXiv:0803.2050 [hep-ph]

by Michele Maltoni and Walter Winter

On this webpage, we present three types of movies characterizing our decay and oscillation scenarios from the above paper.

The observables are defined as follows:
R=Nmu/(Ne+Ntau) [all neutrinos + antineutrinos] - muon tracks/showers
S=Ne/Ntau [all neutrinos + antineutrinos] - electromagnetic/hadronic showers
T=Ne (bar)/Nmu [antineutrinos/(neutrinos+antineutrinos)] - Glashow resonance events/muon tracks

Electron fraction (Xe) varied

In these movies, the electron fraction X=Xe is varied. The flavor composition at the source is assumed to be (fe:fmu:ftau)=(X,1-X,0).
Note that X=0: Muon damped source, X=1/3: Pion beam source, X=1: Neutron beam source.
The movie shows the normal hierarchy (left) and inverted hierarchy (right).
See section 3 of the paper.

Movie number 1

Movie versions:
Current measurement errors mng gif
Including Double Chooz for large theta13: mng gif
Including Double Chooz for small theta13: mng gif

Electron fraction Xe marginalized

In these movies, the electron fraction X=Xe is marginalized over in the range 0 <= Xe <= Xe, max, where Xe, max is the time frame parameter here.
The flavor composition at the source is assumed to be (fe:fmu:ftau)=(X,1-X,0)..
The movie shows the normal hierarchy (left) and inverted hierarchy (right).
See section 5 of the paper.

Movie number 2

Movie versions:

Current measurement errors mng gif
Including Double Chooz for large theta13: mng gif
Including Double Chooz for small theta13: mng gif

Photon fraction Ngamma varied

In these movies, the photon fraction is varied: It is assumed that a certain fraction of neutrinos is produced by pgamma processes (``photon fraction'') whereas the rest is supposed to come from pp processes.
The flavor composition at the source is assumed fixed and the measurement errors are assumed to be the current ones.
 The movie shows different combinations of observables.
See section 6 of the paper.

Movie number 3

Movie versions:
Pion beam, normal hierarchy: mng gif
Pion beam, inverted hierarchy: mng gif
Muon damped source, normal hierarchy: mng gif
Muon damped source, inverted hierarchy: mng gif

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