AMANDA-DAQ: DAQ-Setup Information for 2001


Following trigger are used in 2001 (check with the detector.cnf file):

Name / Reg-Bit / TDC-Ch / Description
- AMANDA-A 0 9001 Amanda-A
- AMANDA-B 1 9002 MainAmanda-B
- AMANDA-AB 2 9003 Amanda-A&B
- AMANDA-S2 3 9004 SPASE-2
- AMANDA-ST 4 9005 String Trigger
- AMANDA-Bsc1 5 9008 Downscaled LowMultiplicity
- AMANDA-LTDC 6 9006 TDC Online Calibration, see here for details .

Following extra DAQ-TDC channels are used:

- MainTrigger (FinalTrigger after OR) - 9007

The Trigger Thresholds are set to

DAQ Configuration file.

The detector-configuration file is the master configuration file read by the DAQ at every runstart.
It is written to the header of every individual binary data file.
The detector configuration file defines essentially all detector specific configuration parameters:

As an example for a configuration file, we give standard detector configuration file as defined in February, 9th, 2001.
It gives the standard 2001 DAQ mapping for all electronic to readout channels, as used since February 2001. Note, that the configuration file will be updated in case of need also during the winter season. This will be documented in the file header.

For any raw-datafile you are working with, you can obtain the current configuration-file stored in that rawfile using the reader with --extract-config flag:
If the datafile is "", then
cat | reader --extract-config=this_configfile.cnf
returns as "this_configfile.cnf" the current detector-configuration file.

Trigger Rates and Lifetimes as measured February 2001.

Here's a summary of rates and lifetimes as measured before station close in February 7th/8th, 2001. Please look this email sent out February 10th .
Different configurations and trigger settings were tested: Some similar, and (for string trigger) more detailed measurements had been done earlier in the season (see Jan Conrad, Ralf Wischnewski).
Small quantitative discrepancies are due to the unstable nature of transient noise in the array.

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Author of this page:
Ralf Wischnewski