CES Processor Boards



RIO2 8062


The RIO2 8060 and RIO2 8061 are low-cost VME CPU boards well suited for applications not requiring the computing power.

Compared to the RIO2 8060 / 61, the RIO2 8062 provides a huge speed improvement with an optimized CPU Memory arbitration and a massive 1 Mbyte L2 cache delivering a 400 Mbytes/sec. It benefits from an enhanced VME interface, providing a 30 % performance improvement compared to its predecessor, while remaining 100 % software compatible.

All these VME interfaces provide autonomous fully hardware-driven chained block transfers delivering high VME data transfer rates with no impact on processor performance.

This product line is built around the IBM Lanaï - Kauaï PCI bridge. The global memory resides on a daughter board and a second stackable piggyback. This offers a very versatile and cost effective solution for memory upgrades. Storage range is from 8 to 256 Mbytes.

The RIO2 8062 is delivered with a powerful on-board monitor (PPCMon) that contains self test routines, and allows the user to examine memory and VME locations. An optional extended monitor provides more utilities, such as board configuration, PCI resources access, user-code downloading, flash EPROMs reprogramming.


 OS supported CES offers in-house support for Lynx-OS (complete bundled packages), VxWorks and ChorusOS™ (Board Support Package). Ready for CES PCI Backplane Driver !

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