Some selected publications
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We show the feasibility of tensor network solutions for lattice gauge theories in Hamiltonian formulation by applying matrix product states algorithms to the Schwinger model with zero and non-vanishing fermion mass. We introduce new techniques to compute excitations in a system with open boundary conditions, and to identify the states corresponding to low momentum and different quantum numbers in the continuum. For the ground state and both the vector and scalar mass gaps in the massive case, the MPS technique attains precisions comparable to the best results available from other techniques. |
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We numerically study the zero temperature phase structure of the multiflavor Schwinger model at nonzero chemical potential. Using matrix product states, we reproduce analytical results for the phase structure for two flavors in the massless case and extend the computation to the massive case, where no analytical predictions are available. Our calculations allow us to locate phase transitions in the mass-chemical potential plane with great precision and provide a concrete example of tensor networks overcoming the sign problem in a lattice gauge theory calculation. |
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We propose an explicit formulation of the physical subspace for a (1+1)-dimensional SU(2) lattice gauge theory, where the gauge degrees of freedom are integrated out. Our formulation is completely general, and might be potentially suited for the design of future quantum simulators. Additionally, it allows for addressing the theory numerically with matrix product states. We apply this technique to explore the spectral properties of the model and the effect of truncating the gauge degrees of freedom to a small finite dimension. In particular, we determine the scaling exponents for the vector mass. Furthermore, we also compute the entanglement entropy in the ground state and study its scaling towards the continuum limit. |
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We numerically study the single-flavor Schwinger model with a topological θ-term, which is practically inaccessible by standard lattice Monte Carlo simulations due to the sign problem. By using numerical methods based on tensor networks, especially the one-dimensional matrix product states, we explore the non-trivial θ-dependence of several lattice and continuum quantities in the Hamiltonian formulation. In particular, we compute the ground-state energy, the electric field, the chiral fermion condensate, and the topological vacuum susceptibility for positive, zero, and even negative fermion mass. In the chiral limit, we demonstrate that the continuum model becomes independent of the vacuum angle θ, thus respecting CP invariance, while lattice artifacts still depend on θ. We also confirm that negative masses can be mapped to positive masses by shifting θ→θ+π due to the axial anomaly in the continuum, while lattice artifacts non-trivially distort this mapping. This mass regime is particularly interesting for the (3+1)-dimensional QCD analog of the Schwinger model, the sign problem of which requires the development and testing of new numerical techniques beyond the conventional Monte Carlo approach. |
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We propose to use quantum information notions to characterize thermally induced melting of nonperturbative bound states at high temperatures. We apply tensor networks to investigate this idea in static and dynamical settings within the Ising quantum field theory, where bound states are confined fermion pairs - mesons. In equilibrium, we identify the transition from an exponential decay to a power law scaling with temperature in an efficiently computable second Renyi entropy of a thermal density matrix as a signature of meson melting. Out of equilibrium, we identify as the relevant signature the transition from an oscillatory to a linear growing behavior of reflected entropy after a thermal quench. These analyses apply more broadly, which brings new ways of describing in-medium meson phenomena in quantum many-body and high-energy physics. |