Various things related to quantum computing
Confinement and string breaking in 2+1-dimensional QED
DESY News about the project
The H1 system of Quantinuum, used in the collaboration between DESY and Quantinumm
News about QUEST and Quantum Computer Music
See also here for more information
QUEST open day and quantum computer music
Quantentechnology-Roadmap for Brandenburg
Representatives from research institutions and universities presented their roadmap for quantum technology in Brandenburg in Potsdam and handed it over to State Secretary for Science Tobias Dünow.
The first MirQua Quantum Computer
Almost ready
DESY's first ERA Chair project
I seem to be happy to have received the ERA Chair
Brandenburg Quantum Network Meeting in Zeuthen
Members of the Brandenburg quantum network
News about the Brandenburg funding of the Center for Quantum Technology and Applications
Brandenburg finances CQTA.
World Quantum Day Center for Quantum Technology and Applications
DESY is celebrating the world quantum day 2022.
DESY becomes an IBM Quantum Hub
DESY is IBM Quantum partner.
The Helmholtz roadmap for quantum technologies
Helmholtz quantum technology roadmap for the the 5 and next 10 years.