Some selected publications
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We present the unpolarized and helicity parton distribution functions calculated within lattice QCD simulations using physical values of the light quark mass. Non-perturbative renormalization is employed and the lattice data are converted to the MSbar-scheme at a scale of 2 GeV. A matching process is applied together with target mass corrections leading to the reconstruction of light-cone parton distribution functions. For both cases we find a similar behavior between the lattice and phenomenological data, and for the polarized PDF a nice overlap for a range of Bjorken-x values. This presents a major success for the emerging field of direct calculations of quark distributions using lattice QCD. |
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We present results on the nucleon scalar, axial and tensor charges as well as on the momentum fraction, and the helicity and transversity moments. The pion momentum fraction is also presented. The computation of these key observables is carried out using lattice QCD simulations at a physical value of the pion mass. The evaluation is based on gauge configurations generated with two degenerate sea quarks of twisted mass fermions with a clover term. We investigate excited states contributions with the nucleon quantum numbers by analyzing three sink-source time separations. We find that, for the scalar charge, excited states contribute significantly and to a less degree to the nucleon momentum fraction and helicity moment. Our analysis yields a value for the nucleon axial charge agrees with the experimental value. |
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We report on our exploratory study for the direct evaluation of the parton distribution functions from lattice QCD, based on a recently proposed new approach. We present encouraging results using Nf = 2 + 1 + 1 twisted mass fermions with a pion mass of about 370 MeV. The focus of this work is a detailed description of the computation, including the lattice calculation, the matching to an infinite momentum and the nucleon mass correction. In addition, we test the effect of gauge link smearing in the operator to estimate the influence of the Wilson line renormalization, which is yet to be done. |
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We perform a non-perturbative lattice calculation of the P-wave pion-pion scattering phase in the rho-meson decay channel using two flavors of maximally twisted mass fermions at pion masses ranging from 480 MeV to 290 MeV. Making use of finite-size methods, we evaluate the pion-pion scattering phase in the center-of-mass frame and two moving frames. Applying an effective range formula, we find a good description of our results for the scattering phase as a function of the energy covering the resonance region. This allows us to extract the rho-meson mass and decay width and to study their quark mass dependence. |
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We evaluate the gluon and quark contributions to the spin of the proton using an ensemble of gauge configuration generated at physical pion mass. We compute all valence and sea quark contributions to high accuracy. We perform a non-perturbative renormalization for both quark and gluon matrix elements. |
Ken Wilson Lattice Award | |
The reason given by the panel for awarding this paper was | |
“... This is really a new application of lattice methods, applied in a timely fashion, and making an impact on an important (current) discrepancy for the muon magnetic moment...” |
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The gauge covariant lattice Dirac operator D which has recently been proposed by Neuberger satisfies the Ginsparg-Wilson relation and thus preserves chiral symmetry. The operator also avoids a doubling of fermion species, but its locality properties are not obvious. We now prove that D is local (with exponentially decaying tails) if the gauge field is sufficiently smooth at the scale of the cutoff. Further analytic and numerical studies moreover suggest that the locality of the operator is in fact guaranteed under far more general conditions. | ![]() |
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We present a variant of the HMC algorithm with mass preconditioning (Hasenbusch acceleration) and multiple time scale integration. We have tested this variant for standard Wilson fermions at pion masses ranging from 380MeV to 680MeV. We show that in this situation its performance is comparable to the recently proposed HMC variant with domain decomposition as preconditioner. We give an update of the Berlin Wall figure, comparing the performance of our variant of the HMC algorithm to other published performance data. Advantages of the HMC algorithm with mass preconditioning and multiple time scale integration are that it is straightforward to implement and can be used in combination with a wide variety of lattice Dirac operators. | ![]() |
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We present results of dynamical simulations with 2 flavours of degenerate Wilson twisted mass quarks at maximal twist in the range of pseudo scalar masses from 300 to 550 MeV. The simulations are performed at one value of the lattice spacing a less then 0.1 fm. In order to have O(a) improvement and aiming at small residual cutoff effects, the theory is tuned to maximal twist by requiring the vanishing of the untwisted quark mass. Precise results for the pseudo scalar decay constant and the pseudo scalar mass are confronted with chiral perturbation theory predictions and the low energy constants F, l3 and l4 are evaluated with small statistical errors. | ![]() |
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We present the QCD simulation of the first gauge ensemble of two degenerate light quarks, a strange and a charm quark with all quark masses tuned to their physical values within the twisted mass fermion formulation. Results for the pseudoscalar masses and decay constants confirm that the produced ensemble is indeed at the physical parameters of the theory. This conclusion is corroborated by a complementary analysis in the baryon sector. We examine cutoff and isospin breaking effects and demonstrate that they are suppressed through the presence of a clover term in the action. |
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We confront the finite volume and small quark mass behaviour of the scalar condensate, determined numerically in quenched lattice QCD using Neuberger fermions, with predictions of quenched chiral perturbation theory. We find that quenched chiral perturbation theory describes the numerical data well, allowing us to extract the infinite volume, chiral limit scalar condensate, up to a multiplicative renormalization constant. | ![]() |