#!/usr/bin/env perl # Syntax highlight text using Vim # simplified version to use it as a monolithic function within lesspipe # # This software is copyright (c) 2002-2006 by Geoff Richards. # # This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Randy Stauner. # # This software is copyright (c) 2021-2024 by Wolfgang Friebel. # # This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. # use warnings; use strict; use 5.9.3; use IO::File; use File::Copy; use File::Temp; use Term::ANSIColor qw(color colorvalid); use IPC::Open3; use Getopt::Std; our ($opt_c, $opt_h, $opt_l, $opt_L); &getopts('chl:L') || usage(); usage() if $opt_h; # do a clean up if we get a CTRL-C our ($tdir,$script_fh, $markup_fh); $SIG{INT} = sub { if ($tdir) { close $script_fh if $script_fh; close $markup_fh if $markup_fh; unlink $tdir; print "\n"; exit 1 }}; $tdir = File::Temp->newdir('/tmp/vimcolorXXXX'); my $defaults = set_defaults(); languages(@ARGV) if $opt_L; my ($file) = shift; my $filetype = $opt_l; my $report_colors = $opt_c; if (! $file or $file eq '-') { $file = "$tdir/inputfile"; File::Copy::syscopy(\*STDIN, $file); } my %ANSI_COLORS = ( Comment => 'blue', Constant => 'red', Identifier => 'cyan', Statement => 'yellow', PreProc => 'magenta', Type => 'green', Special => 'bright_magenta', Underlined => 'underline', Ignore => 'bright_white', Error => 'on_red', Todo => 'on_cyan', ); # get colors from the active color scheme my $cmds = "$tdir/commands"; my $colorfile = "$tdir/colors"; open F, ">$cmds" or die "$!"; print F "redir! >$colorfile|colorscheme|"; print F "hi $_|" for keys %ANSI_COLORS; print F "q!"; close F; run($defaults->{vim_command}, $defaults->{vim_options}, '-S', $cmds, $colorfile); open F, $colorfile or die $!; my ($key, %attrs); my %t = map {$_, $_} qw(bold underline reverse italic blink undercurl standout); $t{undercurl} = 'underline'; $t{standout} = 'reverse'; while () { last if /^unknown/; # skip rest of file, no color support next if /^\s*$/; $key = $1 if /^(\w+)\s+\w/; $attrs{$key} .= ($1 =~ /(\d+)/ ? "ANSI$1 " : "$1 ") if /ctermfg=(\w+)/; if (/term=([\w,]+)/) { for my $what (split /,/, $1) { $attrs{$key} .= "$t{$what} " if exists $t{$what}; } } } close F; my %COLORS = %ANSI_COLORS; for (keys %ANSI_COLORS) { $COLORS{$_} = $attrs{$_} if $attrs{$_} && $attrs{$_} !~ /\bnone\b/i; } # allow the environment to overwrite: if ($ENV{TEXT_VIMCOLOR_ANSI}) { my @ADD = split /\s*[=;]\s*/, $ENV{TEXT_VIMCOLOR_ANSI}; if (@ADD % 2) { warn "### TEXT_VIMCOLOR_ANSI has wrong content: $ENV{TEXT_VIMCOLOR_ANSI}\n"; } else { while (@ADD) { my ($k, $v) = splice @ADD, -2; $COLORS{$k} = $v; } } } # These extra syntax group are available but linked to the groups above by # default in vim. They can get their own highlighting (all_syntax_groups => 1). # Gets activated by setting a color for at least one of these members. my %SYNTAX_LINKS; $SYNTAX_LINKS{$_} = 'Constant' for qw(String Character Number Boolean Float); $SYNTAX_LINKS{$_} = 'Identifier' for qw(Function); $SYNTAX_LINKS{$_} = 'Statement' for qw(Conditional Repeat Label Operator Keyword Exception); $SYNTAX_LINKS{$_} = 'PreProc' for qw(Include Define Macro PreCondit); $SYNTAX_LINKS{$_} = 'Type' for qw(StorageClass Structure Typedef); $SYNTAX_LINKS{$_} = 'Special' for qw(Tag SpecialChar Delimiter SpecialComment Debug); my $all_groups = 0; $all_groups = 1 if grep {defined $COLORS{$_}} keys %SYNTAX_LINKS; # Copy ansi color for main group to all subgroups. $COLORS{$_} ||= $COLORS{$SYNTAX_LINKS{$_}} for keys %SYNTAX_LINKS; my %colors; my $reset = color('reset'); for (keys (%COLORS)) { if (colorvalid($COLORS{$_})) { $colors{$_} = color($COLORS{$_}); } else { warn "### invalid color name '$COLORS{$_}' (Term::ANSIColor) ###\n"; $colors{$_} = $reset; } } # Build a lookup table to determine if a syntax exists. my %SYNTAX_TYPE = map {$_, 1} keys %COLORS; my $syntax = do_markup($defaults, $file, $filetype); sub set_defaults { my $ex = 'vim'; $ex = 'nvim' if grep{ -e "$_/nvim" } split /:/, $ENV{PATH}; my @opts = $ex eq 'vim' ? qw(--not-a-term -XZ) : qw(headless); return { vim_command => $ex, vim_options => [@opts, qw(-R -i NONE -u NONE -N -n), "+set nomodeline"], all_syntax_groups => $all_groups, vim_let => {perl_include_pod => 1, 'b:is_bash' => 1}, }; } # Actually run Vim and turn the script's output into a datastructure. sub do_markup { my ($defaults, $file, $filetype) = @_; (my $filename = $file) =~s/"/\\"/g; # Create a temp file to put the output in. my $out_file = File::Temp->new(TEMPLATE => 'vimcXXXX', DIR => '/tmp'); # Create a temp file for the 'script', which is given to vim # with the -s option. my $script_file = "$tdir/scriptfile"; open $script_fh, ">$script_file" or die "$!\n"; my $markup_file = "$tdir/markupfile"; open $markup_fh, ">$markup_file" or die "$!\n"; my $filetype_set = defined $filetype ? ":set filetype=$filetype" : ''; my $vim_let = $defaults->{vim_let}; my $markscript= <<'EOF'; set report=1000000 if !strlen(&filetype) filetype detect endif syn on new set modifiable set paste set isprint+=9 wincmd p let s:end = line("$") let s:lnum = 1 while s:lnum <= s:end let s:line = getline(s:lnum) let s:len = strlen(s:line) let s:new = "" let s:col = 1 while s:col <= s:len let s:startcol = s:col " The start column for processing text let s:id = synID(s:lnum, s:col, 1) let s:col = s:col + 1 while s:col <= s:len && s:id == synID(s:lnum, s:col, 1) | let s:col = s:col + 1 | endwhile let s:id = synIDtrans(s:id) let s:name = synIDattr(s:id, 'name') let s:new = s:new . '>' . s:name . '>' . substitute(substitute(substitute(strpart(s:line, s:startcol - 1, s:col - s:startcol), '&', '\&a', 'g'), '<', '\&l', 'g'), '>', '\&g', 'g') . '<' . s:name . '<' if s:col > s:len break endif endwhile exe "normal \pa" . strtrans(s:new) . "\n\e\p" let s:lnum = s:lnum + 1 + endwhile wincmd p normal dd EOF if ($defaults->{all_syntax_groups}) { my %a= (map {$_, 1} ('Normal', keys %ANSI_COLORS, keys %SYNTAX_LINKS)); printf $markup_fh "hi %-16s ctermfg=7\n", $_ for keys %a; } print $markup_fh $markscript; close $markup_fh; my @script_lines = ( map { "$_\n" } # do :edit before :let or the buffer variables may get reset ":edit $filename", ( map { ":let $_=$vim_let->{$_}" } grep { defined $vim_let->{$_} } keys %$vim_let ), ':filetype on', $filetype_set, ":source $markup_file", ":write! $out_file", ':qall!', ); print $script_fh @script_lines; close $script_fh; run( $defaults->{vim_command}, @{$defaults->{vim_options}}, $filename, ('-s' => "$script_file") ); my $data = do { local $/; <$out_file> }; # Given an array ref ($syntax), we add a new syntax chunk to it, unescaping # the text & making sure that consecutive chunks of the same type are merged. my ($syntax, $content, %types); $data =~ s/\x0D\x0A?/\n/g; $data =~ s/<(.*?)<>\1>//g; # repeating blocks of the same type for (keys %colors) { $types{$_} = 1 if $data =~ s/>$_>(.*?)<$_(.*?)>(.*?)<\1(.*?)>(.*?)<\1'<',g=>'>',a=>'&'); $data =~s/&([lga])/$s{$1}/g; $data =~ s/\^\[/\e/g; # get start and end of file correct $data .= $reset if $data !~ /\n$/; print $data if $data; return if ! $report_colors; print "\n### Report color settings:\n"; print "$_ ($colors{$_}$COLORS{$_}$reset)\n" for keys %types; } # This is a subroutine which runs a program. # It takes a list of the program name and arguments. sub run { my ($prog, @args) = @_; { my ($in, $out) = (Symbol::gensym(), Symbol::gensym()); my $err_fh = Symbol::gensym(); my $pid = IPC::Open3::open3($in, $out, $err_fh, $prog => @args); # close these to avoid any ambiguity that might cause this to block # (see also the paragraph about "select" in IPC::Open3) close($in); close($out); # read handle before waitpid to avoid hanging on older systems my $errout = do { local $/; <$err_fh> }; my $gotpid = waitpid($pid, 0); die "couldn't run the program '$prog'" if $gotpid == -1; my $error = $? >> 8; if ($error) { $errout =~ s/\n+\z//; my $details = $errout eq '' ? '' : "\n$prog wrote this error output:\n$errout\n"; die "$prog returned an error code of '$error'$details"; } } } sub languages { my ($pat) = @_; $pat ||= ''; my $cmds = "$tdir/commands"; my $typefile = "$tdir/types"; open F, ">$cmds" or die "$!"; print F "redir! >$typefile|echo getcompletion(\'$pat\', 'filetype')|q!"; close F; run($defaults->{vim_command}, $defaults->{vim_options}, '-S', $cmds, $typefile); open F, $typefile or die $!; $_ = ; $_ = ; s/[\[\]',]//g; print "$_\n"; close F; exit; } sub usage { print <