Theory Group @ DESY, Zeuthen 

     Theory Group  
     Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY, Zeuthen


Prof. Dr. habil. Johannes Blümlein


1969-1973 Gymnasium Georgianum Hildburghausen
7/1973 Abitur, with distinction
9/1975-12/1979 Study of Physics, Greifswald University, Germany [Academia Gryphica], with several renamings during its history
12/1979 Diploma, Theoretical Physics, Greifswald University, Germany, with distinction
1980, Research visit at Univ. Iasi, RO
3/1983 Ph.D. (Dr.rer.nat.), Theoretical Physics, Greifswald University, Germany, summa cum laude [with distinction]
9/1982 Fellow, Institute of High Energy Physics, Academy of Sciences, Zeuthen, Germany
1985 Staff, Institute of High Energy Physics, Academy of Sciences, Zeuthen, Germany
1982-1989 different research visits at JINR Dubna, IHEP Serpukhov, RU and KFKI, Budapest, HU
11/1990-4/1991 Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany
1/1992 Staff at Theory Group, DESY, Zeuthen, Germany
5/2001-4/2004 Chair of the Theory Group at DESY, Zeuthen
1/2004-2/2004 KITP Santa Barbara, CA, USA
6/2005 Habilitation (Dr. rer. nat. habil.) and Venia Legendi, Privatdozent at Technical University Dortmund, Germany
2/2011 apl. Professor of Theoretical Physics Technical University Dortmund, Germany
9/2011-3/2020 Chair of the Theory Group at DESY, Zeuthen
4/2020 Staff Member of the Theory Group at DESY, Zeuthen


Address: Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, DESY, Platanenallee 6, 15738 Zeuthen, Germany
Group: Theory, Room: 3L05, Tel: +49(33762)77-311, Fax: +49(33762)77-330, E-mail:

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