Up: Operating System Information

H.1 Process list

When requesting the process list, the annex field in the `qXfer' request should be `processes'. The returned data is an XML document. The formal syntax of this document is defined in gdb/features/osdata.dtd.

An example document is:

     <?xml version="1.0"?>
     <!DOCTYPE target SYSTEM "osdata.dtd">
     <osdata type="processes">
         <column name="pid">1</column>
         <column name="user">root</column>
         <column name="command">/sbin/init</column>
         <column name="cores">1,2,3</column>

Each item should include a column whose name is `pid'. The value of that column should identify the process on the target. The `user' and `command' columns are optional, and will be displayed by gdb. The `cores' column, if present, should contain a comma-separated list of cores that this process is running on. Target may provide additional columns, which gdb currently ignores.