Student reports and presentations

The students program goes now in the last round.

We collect the students reports and bind them in one volume. Each student gets one ot this common 2004 report. To finish this business before your departure I need the ps-file of all reports not later than Thursday - this week. Before you send me the report or the directory where I can find the report discuss the content with your supervisor, that we have something what was checked.

Next Monday we have the presentation of all the student projects in the lecture hall. Each talk should be 10 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions and discussion. Here is a proposal for the schedule:

AMANDAAlvarez Castillo9:15
Schwenke Christian9:30
Stefan Dorota9:45
Grass Viviane10:00
HERA-BBlackmore Victoria10:15
*** coffee break ***
H1Maculewicz Ryszard10:45
Vetter Johannes 11:00
HERMES Santamaria Lara 11:15
APE Sokolov Dmitry 11:30
NIC Sinclair Gary 11:45
Theory Spill Fabian 12:00
*** Lunch ***
Pitz Beimforde Michael 13:30
Spanknebel Peter 13:45
TTF Hofmann Andre 14:00
*** coffee break ***
TESLA Heber Frederik 14:30
Zialenskaya Tatsiana 14:45
O'Brien Donie 15:00
Reinherz-Aronis Erez 15:15

Please, make the presentations not too complicated and too long. For 10 minutes the maximum number of sheets is about 10. Discuss the content with your supervisor in advance, and remind that the main aim of this meeting is that the other students get some feeling what you did. In case of questions or problems inform me in time that we can react.