Hello friends!

Thanks to Guillaume and Lucia you now can:

1) Remove BBLSTYLE ERROR that was originally in LaTeX Templeta.
  To solve this problem find in the begin of your .tex file line:
  and remove it with this lines:

           \usepackage{a4wide,makeidx}                         \usepackage[english]{babel}             
   (first line not requer, it just comment of original line, just to be safe).

2) I attach to this mail Makefile for reports. If you don't know what is `make',
   ask somebody or try to understand my explanation - it's a simple, but powerfull
   util to compile something. For example you have a project (C, Perl, LaTeX,...)
   and everyday you compile it typing several commands.
   In Linux/Unix/Windows you can write `Makfile', that describes how to compile
   your project (dependences, commands, ...), save it to your project's directory
   and just type `make' to get results.

   To use Makefile, copy it into your directory, change variable REPORT to name
   of your report .tex file, for example if you have a main report `sokolov.tex'
   I must write:

       REPORT = sokolov

   Now you can type in your shell:

   > make          ==>     creates DVI file
   > make ps      ==>     creates DVI & PS files
   > make pdf     ==>     creates DVI & PS &PDF files
   > make clean  ==>     reset (delete all temporary files), use if you have some troubles with TeX

   ATTENTION: This Makefile will works correctyly only if you solve BBLSTYLE ERROR (See.[1]),
   otherwise, LaTeX will return ERROR after compilation and stop compilation progress.

You can ask me any questions (about report:), by e-mail or coming to my office 2R/01 in Computer Center.
In second case I will help you not only telling what to do, but also solve your problem.

See you,
Dmitry Sokolov

Source code of Makefile:
LATEX = latex

DVIPS = dvips

PS2PDF = ps2pdf

REPORT = student

# Put here ^^^^^ name of your report file here, without extension 
# Like, if you have `student.tex' put here `student'

all: $(REPORT).dvi

ps: $(REPORT).ps

pdf: $(REPORT).pdf

%.dvi: %.tex
	@$(LATEX) $<
	@$(LATEX) $<

%.ps: %.dvi
	@$(DVIPS) $<

%.pdf: %.ps
	@$(PS2PDF) $<

	rm -rf *.log *.aux *.ps *.pdf *~ *.dvi