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18.5 realpath: Print the resolved file name.

realpath expands all symbolic links and resolves references to ‘/./’, ‘/../’ and extra ‘/’ characters. By default, all but the last component of the specified files must exist. Synopsis:

     realpath [option]... file...

The program accepts the following options. Also see Common options.

Ensure that all components of the specified file names exist. If any component is missing or unavailable, realpath will output a diagnostic unless the -q option is specified, and exit with a nonzero exit code. A trailing slash requires that the name resolve to a directory.
If any component of a specified file name is missing or unavailable, treat it as a directory.
Symbolic links are resolved in the specified file names, but they are resolved after any subsequent ‘..’ components are processed.
Symbolic links are resolved in the specified file names, and they are resolved before any subsequent ‘..’ components are processed. This is the default mode of operation.
Suppress diagnostic messages for specified file names.
Do not resolve symbolic links. Only resolve references to ‘/./’, ‘/../’ and remove extra ‘/’ characters. When combined with the -m option, realpath operates only on the file name, and does not touch any actual file.
Separate output items with nul characters.
Print the resolved file names relative to the specified file. Note this option honors the -m and -e options pertaining to file existence.
This option is valid when used with --relative-to, and will restrict the output of --relative-to so that relative names are output, only when files are descendants of base. Otherwise output the absolute file name. If --relative-to was not specified, then the descendants of base are printed relative to base. If --relative-to is specified, then that directory must be a descendant of base for this option to have an effect. Note: this option honors the -m and -e options pertaining to file existence. For example:
          realpath --relative-to=/usr /tmp /usr/bin
          ⇒ ../tmp
          ⇒ bin
          realpath --relative-base=/usr /tmp /usr/bin
          ⇒ /tmp
          ⇒ bin

Exit status:

     0 if all file names were printed without issue.
     1 otherwise.