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22.1 chcon: Change SELinux context of file

chcon changes the SELinux security context of the selected files. Synopses:

     chcon [option]... context file...
     chcon [option]... [-u user] [-r role] [-l range] [-t type] file...
     chcon [option]... --reference=rfile file...

Change the SELinux security context of each file to context. With --reference, change the security context of each file to that of rfile.

The program accepts the following options. Also see Common options.

Affect symbolic links instead of any referenced file.
Use rfile's security context rather than specifying a context value.
Operate on files and directories recursively.
If --recursive (-R) is specified and a command line argument is a symbolic link to a directory, traverse it. See Traversing symlinks.
In a recursive traversal, traverse every symbolic link to a directory that is encountered. See Traversing symlinks.
Do not traverse any symbolic links. This is the default if none of -H, -L, or -P is specified. See Traversing symlinks.
Output a diagnostic for every file processed.
-u user
Set user user in the target security context.
-r role
Set role role in the target security context.
-t type
Set type type in the target security context.
-l range
Set range range in the target security context.

An exit status of zero indicates success, and a nonzero value indicates failure.