A component oriented framework for the control-command environment of the Virgo experiment

Paper: 247
Session: B (poster)
Presenter: Arnault, Christian, Laboratoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire,Centre d'Orsay
Keywords: component software, communication, control systems, data bases, graphics

A component oriented framework for the control-command environment of the Virgo experiment

Christian Arnault

CNRS-LAL Orsay -

VIRGO Collaboration

The Virgo experiment is a challenge both at the physics side,
for the data production an analysis and for the online control
of activities. This poster session presents a set of tools,
organized as framework that constitutes a significant part of
the online control command environment.

This environment relies on a component oriented packaging and
design architecture that provides a consistent way of
producing and using the control-command components so that
quality concepts involved in their development put emphasis on
reliability, ease of long-term maintenance and

The component design follow the object-oriented paradigm
(although most of the implementions use the C-language) up to
the presentation at the user level since elements manipulated
by the operators or controlling the activities are objects.

A quite large number of such components are currently
available and already operational; some others are still under
development and the main services provided today are:

Communication between distributed application (Cm),
providing a plateform independant protocol, a logical
addressing scheme, and a high-level message composition

Graphical specification and management (Gb),
providing an object-oriented graphical specification language
and the associated interactive engine.

Sequence specification and management (Sc),
providing a language for specifying concurrent and distributed
objects (aimed at representing the physical interoperating
devices) and the associated real-time (thread-based) engine.

Configuration database management (Db) based on a
tiny distributed object-oriented database engine.

Finite-state machinery (Fsm) providing an
object-oriented specification language and the associated
distributed engine.