Homepage of LC98 Workshop

SIMDET V2.0 Users Guide


The program SIMDET simulates the response of an LC detector for e+ e- physics in a fast and flexible manner. The main objectives of the program are threefold:

The basic components of the detector are assumed to be:

The program applies Gaussian smearing to charged particle momenta and calorimeter energies and directions. Impact informations for charged particles are also provided.

After simulation, only charged pions, electrons, muons, isolated photons and neutral kaons as well as clusters exist. These objects are divided into three classes: charged particles, calorimetric clusters (with deposited energies only due to neutrals) and isolated neutrals. The sum of their energies equals the total measured event energy. Tracking efficiencies and charge mismeasurement are also taken into account. Low energy muons are interpreted as pions. In version 2, simple energy flow is implemented in the sense that the tracker energies of charged particles are subtracted from the total cluster energies.

A lot of changes and improvements were made with respect to version 1 of SIMDET September 1996; hence the old version should be considered as obsolete. This document describes SIMDET V2.0 which does not yet implement the proposed common output interface!

Access to code

The code of SIMDET V2.0 is found here. A PATCHY/CMZ CAR file as well as straight Fortran souce is supplied.

Usage notes

SIMDET has a built in interface to PYTHIA for internal event generation via subroutine SIPYTH. Alternatively, events generated by other programs can be used for detector simulation; subroutine SIEVTI provides an example for an input interface. If the structure of the generated events does not coincide with common /LUJETS/ of PYTHIA, subroutine SIPREP should fill the arrays K(I,...), P(I,...) and V(I,...). In all cases, NEVENT specifies the number of events to be processed.

The detector parameters used are defined in subroutine SIDETR. The naming convention is self explanatory. It should be noted, however, that the CDR does not specify the resolution parameters for forward and very forward tracking. Hence, the corresponding numbers given in SIDETR should be considered as a first trial. Detection and tracking of forward muons (in subroutine SIFWMU) is based on an example by R.Bruni and R.Nania presented in DESY 97-123E. The luminosity detector (inside the mask) responds only to high energetic electrons (subroutine SILUMI).

Booking of histograms is provided in subroutine SIBOOK.

After selection of all particles which might give a response in the detector (subroutine SIPART), charged particle tracking and impact parameter estimations are steered by subroutine SICHPA.

Finding of calorimetric clusters (with pointers to the associated tracks) and isolated particles is performed in subroutine SIDIVN. Energies of photons and electromagnetic cluster as well as energies of isolated hadrons and hadronic cluster are smeared according to the corresponding energy resolution parameters.

For clusters, the energies of associated charged particles are subtracted from the total deposited energies (subroutine SIFLOW) so that the remaining cluster energy is only due to neutrals. Pointers to the locations of the associated charged particles are stored in a packed form for each cluster. Their number is limited to a maximum of 10, a number which seems to be sufficient even for high statistics simulations.

The simulation finishes by providing all measured objects in subroutine SISTOR and, if requested, by filling the array VECP(I,K) which allows to use directly the physics analysis package VECSUB (a product from SLAC/DELPHI). In addition, the program allows to write all objects to an external file (subroutine SIWDST) so that analysis can follow externally. In this case it is recommended to add a header to each event, an example is provided.

The program exist as Fortran as well as a PATCHY/CMZ CAR file. If the CAR file is used, the 'use' selection SIMDET selects the simulation material, while NOSIMU selects the code without any detector response. This enables physics studies at the parton level or gerenator level.

Please note that in the main program error handling routines are inserted. These are of relevance for hp plateforms only.

Please link the CERN libraries and the lund/jetset74 libraries.

Input/Output units:

Logical unit number Default file name Contents
6 simdet.res debugging information like the history of a few events and histograms
7 simdet.gen input events generated by an external program
11 simdet.evt simulated and reconstructed objects for further analysis
12 simdet.hist PAW histogram file

Event output structure:

This describes the SIMDET V2.0 output structure which does not yet implement the proposed common output interface! Each event contains a header record and a series of records for charged particles, clusters and isolated neutrals, in this order.

Event header record:

Offset Variable name Data type Meaning
0 = no radiation, 1 = ISR & Beamstrahlung, 2 = ISR only, 3 = Beamstrahlung
2 SQRTS REAL nominal collider cms energy [GeV]
3 SIGMA REAL Cross section [fb]
4 IDCLASS INTEGER Reaction identifier, user defined
5 NLINES INTEGER Number of particle records in the current event, as produced by JETSET
6 SQSACT REAL Event related cms energy
7 FIELD REAL Magnetic field [T]
8 NCHAPA INTEGER Number of charged particles
9 NCLUST INTEGER Number of clusters
10 NISOPA INTEGER Number of isolated particles, only neutrals

Charged particle record:

Offset Name Data type Description
1 Px REAL x-component of momentum [GeV]
2 Py REAL y-component of momentum [GeV]
3 Pz REAL z-component of momentum [GeV]
4 E REAL Energy [GeV]
5 m REAL mass of particle [GeV]
6 P REAL absolute value of momentum [GeV]
7 Q REAL charge of particle
8 Imp(R,phi) REAL transverse impact parameter, in units of sigma
9 Imp(R,z) REAL Longitudinal impact parameter, in units of sigma
10 line INTEGER line number in the LUND record

This record is repeated NCHAPA times.

Calorimetric cluster record:

Offset Name Data type Description
1 Ex REAL x-component of E vector [GeV]
2 Ey REAL y-component of E vector [GeV]
3 Ez REAL z-component of E vector [GeV]
4 E REAL Energy of cluster [GeV]
5 pointer INTEGER 1000*loc2 + loc1
6 pointer INTEGER 1000*loc4 + loc3
7 pointer INTEGER 1000*loc6 + loc5
8 pointer INTEGER 1000*loc8 + loc7
9 pointer INTEGER 1000*loc10 + loc9
10 number INTEGER Number of charged particles in cluster

This record is repeated NCLUST times.

Isolated neutral particle record:

Offset Name Data type Description
1 Px REAL x-component of momentum [GeV]
1 Px REAL x-component of momentum [GeV]
2 Py REAL y-component of momentum [GeV]
3 Pz REAL z-component of momentum [GeV]
4 E REAL Energy [GeV]
5 m REAL mass of particle [GeV]
6 P REAL absolute value of momentum [GeV]
7 Q REAL charge of particle
8 dummy REAL not used
9 dummy REAL not used
10 line INTEGER line number in the LUND record

This record is repeated NISOPA times.

Further information

If you have questions, comments or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact H. Jürgen Schreiber (email: schreibe@ifh.de).