Conventions for markovChainURI and dataLFN (19.12.2005) ======================================================= For LDG the following conventions are adopted: * markovChainURI: mc://ldg/// * dataLFN: lfn://ldg//// Where ... Physics ollaboration (e.g. 'alpha', 'qcdsf', 'gral' ...) ......... Name of the project ........ Name of ensemble ........ Name of file Comments: * All the elements are supposed to consist of alpha-numeric characters or the following characters: '+', '-', '_', '.' (i.e. the following following regular expression should match: '[[:alnum:]+-_.]+'). * The collaborations are otherwise free to choose the elements , and as the collaboration name defines a globally unique namespace. * In the file catalogue the dataLFN 'lfn://ldg/...' is mapped to '/grid/ildg/ldg/...'