Machine Detector Interface

Conveners: T. Markiewicz, A. Seryi, E. Torrence, W. Lohmann, P. Bambade, W. Kozanecki, K. Buesser, P. Burrows, T. Tauchi, T. Omori
  Title Speaker Talk Paper ArXiv
MDI01 GamCal - A Beam-strahlung Gamma Detector for Beam Diagnostics Bill Morse talk paper arXiv
MDI02 ILC Beam Diagnostics using BeamCal and GamCal Andrey Sapronov talk paper arXiv
MDI03 Simulation Studies and Detector Scenarios for an ILC Polarimeter Oleg Eyser talk paper arXiv
MDI04 Test Stand Measurements for an ILC Polarimeter Daniela Kaefer talk paper arXiv
MDI05 ESA program overview Michael Woods talk paper arXiv
MDI06 Status report on design and engineering progress of the head-on IR scheme Olivier Napoly talk paper arXiv
MDI07 Improved 2 mrad IR layout : current status and plans Philip Bambade talk paper arXiv
MDI08 Status of FONT4 IP intra-train feedback prototype at ATF Philip Burrows talk paper arXiv
MDI09 Simulation of ILC feedback BPM signals in an intense background environment Tony Hartin talk paper arXiv
MDI10 Updates of GLD-MDI Toshiaki Tauchi talk paper arXiv
MDI11 Updates on SiD MDI Thomas Markiewicz talk paper arXiv
MDI12 Status report on push-pull study Andrei Seryi talk paper arXiv
MDI13 14 mrad Extraction Line Optics for Push-Pull Yuri Nosochkov talk paper arXiv
MDI14 Integration of force-neutral anti-solenoid into QD0 cryostat Brett Parker talk paper arXiv
MDI15 IR systems integration issues relevant to push-pull Brett Parker talk paper arXiv
MDI16 Physics Background as a Systematic Effect in Luminosity Measurement at ILC Mila Pandurovic talk paper arXiv
MDI17 Impact of Beam-beam Effects on Precision Luminosity Measurements at the ILC: Main results Cecile Rimbault talk paper arXiv
MDI18 Backscattering of Secondary Particles into ILC Detectors from Beam Losses Along the Extraction Lines Adrian Vogel talk paper arXiv
MDI19 Detector impact of photon backscattering from the extraction line Olivier Dadoun talk paper arXiv
MDI20 Pair Monitor Studies Yosuke Takubo talk paper arXiv
MDI21 Status of the GP++ beam-beam interaction simulation tool Francois Touze talk paper arXiv
MDI22 ILC Beam Energy Measurement Using Compton Backcattering Nikolai Muchnoi talk paper arXiv
MDI23 Energy measurement with Compton backscattering: Updates Michele Viti talk paper arXiv
MDI24 Progress Report for the BPM Energy Spectrometer Test Experiment at ESA Bino Maiheu talk paper arXiv
MDI25 BeamCal performance Uriel Nauenberg talk paper arXiv

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