
LDC V2 forward region for 14mrad crossing angles
LDC V2 forward region for 14mrad crossing angles (zoomed) (gif)
LDC V2 forward region for 14mrad crossing angles (3D) (gif)
LDC V2 forward region for 14mrad crossing angles (3D zoomed) (gif)

LDC V2 forward region for 2mrad crossing angles

LDC V2 forward region for 20mrad crossing angles
LDC V2 forward region for 20mrad crossing angles (zoomed) (gif)
LDC V2 forward region for 20mrad crossing angles (3D) (gif)
LDC V2 forward region for 20mrad crossing angles (3D zoomed) (gif)

Simulation of a few percent of the beamstrahlung from a single bunch crossing (from the TDR)

Layout of the mask region (from the TDR)

The layout of the mask on a larger scale (from TDR)

Simulation and reconstruction of a 250 GeV elctron on top of the huge background in LCal (from Gunnar Klämke, summerstudent at DESY  Zeuthen in 2001)

A single 250 GeV electron

Background from Beamstrahlung

250 GeV e-  + Background

Event after Backgroudn Subtraction

Design of the forward region for a beam optics with an increased l*
Warning! This is preliminary.

LAT mounting:

Shintake Monitor: